Übersetzungen für die Architektur

Translation agency for architecture and construction

Translations for the construction industry into 70 languages

This page has been machine translated and post-edited. This page is an example of what machine translation and post-editing are capable of.

Customer portal for translations for the construction industry

You can rely on our translations

The construction industry is internationally oriented. Every year, numerous international projects worth between a few million and a billion euros are awarded. In these projects, international teams work together and often communicate with partners, authorities and suppliers in several languages.

As statistics from the German Construction Industry Federation show, the industry handled orders worth 34.5 billion euros in 2021. The demand for good technical translations is correspondingly high.

Global factors also play a role in local projects. Building materials, service providers, construction engineers, technologies come from all over the world.
Likewise, German machines and equipment for the architecture and construction sector sell extremely well worldwide.

Communication with construction workers and foreign specialists is an important factor for the successful realisation of construction projects on construction sites in Germany. Europe is increasingly investing in its infrastructure.

With the right communication and translation strategy, you can benefit from this trend. However, there are some pitfalls you should be aware of.

You will learn below how D.O.G. GmbH can help.

Translation for acrhitecture and the construction industry into all languages
We translate your texts on architecture into all languages

Translation of tender documents from English? Need to translate construction site documents into Croatian? You will receive our offer in the shortest possible time.

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The translation agency for the construction industry

Your reliable partner for architecture and construction

D.O.G. GmbH offers professional translations for the fields of architecture and construction. Our project management team supports you from the request for quotation to delivery. D.O.G. GmbH specialises in the translation of the following topics in the field of architecture and construction or offers translation services for these organizations:

Herausforderungen in der Architektur
Translations for architecture and construction
The top 4 challenges in the construction industry

With the D.O.G. solution, you will overcome these four challenges:

  1. Voluminous content on construction industry topics must be translated correctly and delivered on time
  2. Tight deadlines must be met despite the volume of text.
  3. Multiple changes to documents should be possible during a construction project.
  4. Translation costs of documents from the construction sector should be kept low, especially for large volumes.
Your questions about translations for the construction sector
How much does it cost to have a translation produced in the field of architecture and construction?

The cost of translations in the field of architecture and construction depends mainly on the volume of the text to be translated and the technical challenges of the project. When calculating the translation volumeany repetitions or possible translations from previous projects are taken into account.

Our prices for translating content for the architecture and construction industry are highly competitive. We will provide you with an individual translation quotation for your project, taking into account possible savings and discounts for text redundancies or already translated texts from previous translation projects.

How long do translation take in the construction industry?

The prerequisite for a high-quality translation is that the translators have enough time for research and for the quality assurance of their work. If time is short, we form teams of translators who translate into several foreign languages in parallel.

In special cases, we can offer machine translation + post-editing after consultation with you. For larger translation projects, we can always arrange partial deliveries.

What qualifications are required for translators in the architecture and construction industry?

Excellent language skills are not the only requirement in the architecture and construction industry.In-depth technical knowledgein the individual subject areas is also indispensable, as the texts to be translated address a very broad range of topics: urban planning, infrastructure, energy and water supply, smart materials, etc…. In addition to their linguistic qualifications, the specialized translators at D.O.G. GmbH therefore also have a high level of competence and experience in the respective subject areas.

Systematische Arbeit bei der Terminologie

Using the correct terminology is crucial in architecture and construction projects

One of the biggest challenges for translators in the construction industry is to use terminology that is recognized in the international construction industry. Misunderstandings due to terminology errors can be costly and consequential in construction projects.

Building a common multilingual construction lexicon with your terms helps avoid these problems.

How we organize translations for the construction industry

Process of translation projects in the architecture and construction industry

Project management and customer portal for translations in the construction industry

D.O.G. GmbH offers you a personal consultation at the beginning of our cooperation. During such a meeting, we can define the procedures for typical translation projects together with you.

For translations in the field of architecture and construction, D.O.G. GmbH uses optimized processes. In this way, it ensures high quality with minimal processing costs:

Use of technology in translations for the construction industry

The right technology and the right workflows make all the difference in our translations for the architecture and construction sector.

The right technology and the right workflows make all the difference in our translations for the architecture and construction sector:

Quality of translations for the construction industry

How we ensure quality in construction texts

Terminologiearbeit Architektur

Terminology management for translations in the construction industry

Language in the field of architecture and construction is highly specialized and often covers several subject areas at the same time. Economic topics, technical topics such as the use of renewable energies or smart building materials, or labour law aspects can all appear in one and the same text.

If communication in international cooperation in the field of architecture and construction is to work, this requires a common terminological basis. That is why we offer our clients shared access to our terminology database LookUp.

There is often more than one way to translate certain technical terms. To ensure consistency in translations, we can create your own terminology in our terminology management system LookUp. This saves time and effectively contributes to the quality of the translations. This is particularly advantageous for projects in which several people are involved on your side.

Quality management according to ISO 17100 for the construction industry

We regularly check our translators for the construction industry for their professional qualifications. D.O.G. GmbH has been audited several times according to the standard ISO 17100, which also applies to translation projects from the construction industry. We can certify that our translators and staff have the required professional qualifications for construction-related topics. We also provide continuous training for our employees.

We only use construction industry translators who translate into their native language. In the case of recurring orders from our clients in the construction and architecture industry, we generally always use the same specialist translators.

D.O.G. GmbH translations are proofread according to the dual control principle. Our quality assurance software ErrorSpy supports our quality checkers or revisers who specialize in construction-related topics.

Qualität bei der Übersetzung

This is what we offer to our construction industry customers

Our construction industry translators also specialize in the following

Legally compliant translations in the construction sector

We translate these texts in the field of architecture and construction

Are you looking for the right partner for translation projects in the construction industry?
Five reasons for D.O.G. GmbH as your translation partner for the building sector

If you have construction-related documents to translate, contact us! In a no-obligation online consultation, we will discuss the potential for optimization in the translation of texts from the building domain and what we can achieve together.

All-round service for the construction industry from a single source

Our complete solution in the field of architecture and construction

Our services at a glance for architecture and construction:

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Can we help you with the translation of construction texts?

If you have an urgent or complex project, we will discuss with you in a no-obligation online consultation which production alternatives are available and how we can achieve your goals together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

Other services for clients in the field of architecture and construction
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