Finanzübersetzungen durch Fachübersetzer

Translation agency for banking, finance and insurances

Financial translations in 70 languages

This page has been machine translated and post-edited. This page is an example of what machine translation and post-editing are capable of.

Automated processing via customer portal

Efficient processes for your financial translations

Why is it so important to have good financial translations?  In today’s global world, companies are international: Cooperating with foreign companies, raising money on the international financial market, investing abroad, participating in or acquiring companies. Companies expand, participate in other companies or take them over.

And companies may also have to enforce their legal interests abroad. These are projects that involve extensive, sometimes highly sensitive information in multiple languages over an extended period of time.

With the right translation strategy, you can benefit from this development. However, there are some stumbling blocks that you should be aware of. In the following, you will learn how D.O.G. GmbH can help.

Financial translation into all languages
We translate your financial texts into all languages

Need a translation of financial statements and tax documents for U.S. authorities? Need to translate a Spanish loan agreement into German by Friday? Ask us! We react quickly!

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Financial translations for over 20 years

Your reliable translation partner for banks, finance and insurance companies

We support international companies, financial and consulting firms, banks, insurance companies, auditing firms or international business law firms with a complete service for their translation needs.

Our team supports you from the request for quotation to the delivery of the translation. D.O.G. GmbH specializes in translations of the following topics or translation services for the following companies and organizations in the field of banking, finance and insurance:

Die Herausforderung beim Finanzübersetzungen
Translations for banking, finance and insurances
These are the four issues that matter

You will overcome these four specific challenges in the finance and insurance sector with us:

  1. Turnaround times: Urgent or voluminous translations are delivered promptly.
  2. Quality: We guarantee accurate translations by specialized translators who are experts in various fields such as international tax law, contracts, etc.
  3. Confidentiality: We guarantee the highest level of confidentiality, especially for sensitive documents.
  4. Specialized terminology: The international legal and financial systems are not congruent. Our specialized translators for finance know how to linguistically solve the differences between the systems of the various countries.
Questions about translating financial texts
How much does it cost to have a translation produced in the field of banking, finance and insurance?

The cost of translations for the banking, finance and insurance industries depend mainly on the volume of the text to be translated and on the technical challenges of the translation project. When calculating the translation volume, we also take into account any text repetitions (redundancies) or translations from previous projects (100% matches or context matches).

Our translation prices are extremely competitive. Simply request your free translation quote for your financial texts.

How long does the translation take in the field of banking, finance and insurance?

For a high-quality financial translation, the relevant qualified specialized translators must have time for research and for quality assurance (proofreading) of their work. However, sometimes the translation needs to be done very quickly. With D.O.G. GmbH, you can also translate financial texts into several foreign languages at the same time. We can set-up teams of translators or, in special cases, offer machine translation + post-editing after consultation with you. We can always arrange partial deliveries for larger translation projects.

What qualifications are required for translators in the banking, finance and insurance industry?

We are convinced that translators are only good if, in addition to their purely linguistic qualifications, they also have sound specialist knowledge, e.g. in the case of financial translations on IAS, IFRS, US-GAAP. They need to understand what is behind the words, both in the source and the target language. What is the difference between the specialized terms “value-added tax” and “sales tax”? Does the specialized term “current account” have the same meaning in the USA and the UK? What are the differences in meaning between these concepts?

Our specialized translators are carefully checked for their professional qualifications. As a translation agency audited several times in accordance with the international translation standard ISO 17100, we have successfully demonstrated that the professional qualifications and quality of the translators we use have been checked and ensured.

It goes without saying that we only use specialized translators who translate into their native language. This means that, for example, a German financial text to be translated into English is translated by a native English speaker with relevant experience in the financial sector.

Systematische Terminologiearbeit für Finanzübersetzungen
Special terms in the financial sector

Building up financial terminology systematically

What is “goodwill impairment” and how is it understood in the USA and Germany?

One of the biggest challenges for technical translators is to build linguistic bridges between concepts from different national financial systems. Terminology work contributes to this.

This is how we organize financial translations

Processing of translation projects

Translation request

We analyze your texts and requirements.
We analyze your texts and requirements. We calculate the amount of work and take into account text repetitions. You receive a binding offer with price and processing time.

Project preparation

After placing the order, we prepare the project.
After the order is placed, we prepare the project for the translators and extract the terminology.


Translators clarify questions about the content as needed.
During translation, translators clarify questions about the content as needed. After that, they deliver their translation.

Quality control

Checks are carried out according to the dual control principle.
Quality control is carried out according to the dual control principle. Feedback is provided to the translators.


After a final check, the project is delivered.
After a final check, the project is delivered.


The translation memories are updated.
The translation memories and terminology are updated.

Project management, optimized processes and customer portal

D.O.G. GmbH will be happy to advise you before we start working together and will work with you to determine how the project will be handled


For translations in the field of banking, finance and insurance, D.O.G. GmbH uses optimized translation processes. In this way, we ensure high quality with minimal translation costs:

We check all translations for banking, finance and insurance according to the dual control principle. This is mandatory under the ISO 17100 translation standard, and we are committed to complying with it. ErrorSpy, our quality assurance software, supports our specially trained quality reviewers, who are called revisers in the technical language of the standard.

Use of translation technologies in financial translations

For larger and longer translation projects, time and cost are key challenges. This is where translation technologies and optimal workflows can make a decisive difference:

How we ensure the quality of financial translations

In the field of finance and insurance quality is a must

Terminologiemanagement bei Finanzübersetzungen

Terminology management for financial translations

The specialized topics are very diverse in the field of banking, finance and insurance: lending appraisals, stock and investment recommendations, cryptocurrencies and blockchain, actuarial valuations, etc.

Since there is often more than one way to translate specialized terms, we maintain a multilingual terminology with definitions as well as additional information for our regular clients. Good terminology saves time and contributes to translation quality. This is all the more true when different people work on a translation project over a longer period of time.

To ensure consistency in translations, we can create your own terminology in our terminology management system LookUp. This saves time and effectively contributes to the quality of the translations.

Quality management according to ISO 17100

A wrong number, a misunderstood term can have far-reaching financial consequences. Therefore, it is particularly important not only to use the appropriate specialized translators for finance, law or insurance, but also to check the translations very carefully afterwards.

Quality assurance is a very important process for us, in which we not only pay attention to formal or linguistic criteria, but also to the content and accuracy of the translation. For this specific check, we have experienced revisers who, for example, in the case of special terms such as no-fault insurance, also check, if necessary, whether the differences between the insurance schemes in the U.S. and in Germany are relevant to the translation.

We regularly check our translators for their professional qualifications. D.O.G. GmbH has been audited several times according to the standard ISO 17100. We can prove that the professional qualifications of the translators and internal staff are in place. We also ensure continuous training of employees.

D.O.G. GmbH only uses translators who translate into their mother tongue. For recurring orders, we usually always use the same specialist translators.

D.O.G. GmbH translations are proofread according to the dual control principle. Our quality assurance software ErrorSpy supports our quality checkers or reviewers.

Qualität bei der Übersetzung

Professional financial translations by native speakers

We translate the following texts in the field of banking, finance and insurance


We offer these special services

Financial translations from German or English into 70 languages

Some of the languages we offer

We cover the most important languages and language variants and can also provide resources for unusual language combinations. We also offer reverse language combinations, e.g. Arabic-German.

Five good reasons to choose D.O.G. GmbH

Contact us! In a non-binding online consultation, we will discuss what optimization potential exists in your company and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

All from one source

Our services at a glance for banks, finance and insurance companies

Our services at a glance:

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Contact us!

In a non-binding online consultation, we discuss what optimization potential exists in your projects and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

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