Prüfservice für Übersetzungen

Translation proofreading services

Quality control and correction of translations

Specialised review service for your translations

Professional quality control reduces translation costs.

Why use our experienced proofreading service for quality assurance?

Do you often translate into multiple languages using in-house staff, Google Translate, or DeepL? Then you’re familiar with the issue: ‘budget’ translations can quickly become a costly mistake.

Automatic tools do not really understand the content and can make serious errors that are not always immediately recognisable. Even staff with technical expertise but without professional translation training can introduce significant errors in a non-native foreign language.

Manually identifying errors without specialized proofreading tools is time-consuming and prone to oversight. What seems like a budget-friendly approach can ultimately lead to higher costs due to errors and revisions.

The solution? Engage a professional proofreading service.

With our specialised translation review service, you can be sure you won’t make a mistake. Our experienced linguists possess the following expertise:

  • Native language fluency: Our experts have a perfect command of the target languages, recognizing nuances that automated tools often miss.
    Cultural awareness: Our team understands cultural nuances, preventing embarrassing mistakes.
  • Modern quality assurance technologies: They use innovative software such as ErrorSpy, which effectively recognises errors.
  • Subject matter expertise: Our specialists are well-versed in various fields, ensuring timely and budget-friendly translations.

Translation and proofreading services in all languages

We translate and check your documents

Do you need a German-to-English translation? Or would you like to have an instruction manual checked in Chinese? Send us your enquiry using this quotation form.

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How we organise a proofreading project

Proofreading a translation in five steps

Each client is unique, but generally, the typical proofreading process consists of five steps, from the preparation of the quote to the delivery of the revised translation and, if necessary, the updating of translation and terminology databases.

Enquiry and quotation

Determining the requirements as well as the cost and time frame
We evaluate your translation and calculate the production time and costs based on your requirements. You will receive a binding quote.

Project organisation

Creation of guidelines and selection of proofreaders
Once the order has been placed, we select the proofreaders and prepare work instructions and checklists.

Review and corrections

The translation is corrected according to the specifications
If necessary, a terminology is created. The translation is checked by the reviser. A detailed report is prepared on all errors found.


The quality-assured translation is delivered
You will receive the corrected translations along with a detailed error report. You may also receive recommendations for future translations.

(Optional) Update databases

Translation memories and terminology databases are updated.
As agreed or as part of an ongoing partnership, we update your translation and terminology databases with the revised content.

What a translation review service looks for

Proofreading translations: Good to know

Übersetzung - Prüfpunkte

What is checked?

Translation quality assurance is a complex process that depends on several factors, such as the individual requirements of our clients, the respective language combination, and the technology used. In general, we analyse content as well as linguistic, formal, and technical aspects of the translation:

  • Content aspects: We ensure that the meaning of the source text is accurately conveyed and that specialised terminology is used precisely.
  • Linguistic aspects: We check grammar, spelling, punctuation and style.
  • Formal aspects: We ensure the correctness of numbers, dates, product names, formatting and other formal elements.
  • Technical aspects: We check the file format, the functionality of links and compatibility with target systems.

The specific review process differs depending on whether it is a machine translation (which we post-edit) or a human translation.

Our proofreaders are supported by ErrorSpy, the oldest commercial translation quality control software, which we introduced in 2003. Since 2023, we have also been using our own artificial intelligence-based tools, which enable us to specifically recognise and correct errors in style and meaning in translations.

Terminology: The key to translation quality

The correct use of specialised terminology is the basis for a precise translation. Many translation errors are due to the use of inappropriate specialised terminology. For this reason, we attach particular importance to using the correct terminology in our translations.

If you provide us with your own terminology, we ensure that it is used correctly in the translations you provide. Otherwise, we extract the terminology and record it in several languages.

Machine translation programmes such as DeepL or Google Translate tend to misinterpret company-specific terms. For example, they may not understand a highly specialised or new technical term and use an incorrect term that can be misinterpreted. Thanks to our many years of experience in terminology work and specialised tools such as the terminology management system LookUp, we can ensure that your translations are consistent and accurate to avoid misunderstandings and errors.

Terminologie und Qualitätssicherung
Einbettung Prüfdienst im Qualitätssytem

Our proofreading service: Your reliable back office

A proofreading service for your multilingual translations is particularly useful as part of a long-term collaboration.

You have found an efficient and cost-effective way to create your translations with automated tools such as DeepL or Google Translate and with your team.

With our resources, tools and expertise, we can guarantee you a precise review and correction of your texts. In a way, we can act as your external quality assurance department. If required, we can coordinate the revision process with your foreign subsidiaries.

This allows you to focus on your core business with complete confidence. You enjoy cost-effective translations without sacrificing quality or accuracy.

Our standardised production processes guarantee uniform and controlled quality and enable your tools or teams to learn from mistakes. We import checked, high-quality translations and extracted technical terms into your databases.

Together, we can set up a reliable quality system to sustainably reduce translation production costs while maintaining high quality.

Qualitätssicherungsarbeiten bei Übersetzungen

Advantages of our translation review service

Advantages of proofreading by quality experts

Why is a specialised proofreading service beneficial?

Questions about our proofreading services
Are your revisers qualified?

Our revisers and proofreaders fulfil the strict qualification requirements of the international quality standard for translations ISO 17100. Each of our proofreaders has either

a) a recognised university degree in translation, ensuring comprehensive knowledge and expertise in translation studies

b) a university degree in another specialised field in combination with at least two years of full-time professional experience as a translator. This combination ensures both specialised knowledge and practical experience in translation.

c) At least five years of professional experience as a full-time translator, ensuring a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of linguistic nuances and industry-specific requirements.

In addition, our revisers have advanced competences in specific areas of expertise. They are proficient in the technical tools required for the modern translation process. They have strong research and information processing skills, cultural understanding of both languages and the technical expertise to use translation software and IT systems efficiently.

These rigorous standards ensure that every translation we review is accurate, professional and of high quality.

How neutral are you when you review other translators?

We attach great importance to neutrality and objectivity when checking translations. The quality of a translation is our top priority, regardless of the origin of the translation. If the translation is good, we say so and are happy about it.

We disclose the standards and review criteria according to which the translations are assessed. Our assessment is transparent and comprehensible.

We see ourselves as a partner to our customers and do everything we can to fulfil our quality assurance task to the complete satisfaction of our customers.

Our criteria for fairness and objectivity are explicitly described in our Code of Conduct.

How expensive is your proofreading service?

If you ask a car dealer how much a car costs, you probably won’t get a price straight away. The cost of translation review also depends on many factors. There is definitely a certain amount of work involved, as you expect a professional to review and approve the entire translation.

However, our many years of experience and the technologies we use enable us to work particularly efficiently. Even the most difficult checkpoints, such as style or checking for comprehension errors, can be carried out much more efficiently than many others thanks to the support of AI.

For individual projects, we calculate our workload and give you a binding price that you can accept or reject.

As part of a long-term collaboration, where the text types and requirements are known, we can agree on the cost per word, which allows you to budget better.

Do you issue a quality certificate?

If you wish, we can issue a quality certificate for every translation we review. You will receive an error report and a certificate stating that, as an ISO 17100-certified service provider, we have checked certain aspects of the translation and corrected any errors. These documents can be very useful for you as part of your own certification process.

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Do you need quality assurance services?

Would you like to have a technical article reviewed in English or would you like to optimise your quality assurance processes? Contact us today for a free quote!

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